Friday, December 2, 2011

Free Calendar Download

Totally stealing this thought from my friend Elisabeth, but hey, that is the best flattery right?
Owl Lover 2012 Calendar
Head on over and you can download (either premade or pick your own pictures!)  Click here!

Meeting Fallon

We have been eagerly anticipating meeting a new friend... and here you go... 
Introducing "Fallon Harper Weaver" our newest little friend:)  
Congrats to the entire Weaver Family on welcoming this little blessing into their family!

Friday, November 18, 2011


Weaver & Boyd Kids (our traditional picture on the porch!)
Yes, I know it is almost Thanksgiving, things have been busy alright, give me a break!!!  Here are some CUTE pictures of my kiddos from Halloween (and my mom, you will love her costume:))
Cohen Claus
Killian Jones
NyNy & CoCo (someone forgot to tell them it is Halloween, NOT Christmas)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Rader's Pumpkin Patch

I think this has already been a month ago, but let's face it, that is faster then some of the posts I STILL have to post from this summer:)

Each fall we try to go to a pumpkin patch with the kiddos, we are very fortunate that the Rader Family has really embraced their calling to open up their farm/home as a pumpkin patch and fun outing for families.  Some of the highlights from this year include feeding the goats, burying each other in corn, jumping in the hay AND beating the McClure Family by almost 30 minutes in the corn maze (let's just say Killian is like me in some ways;).  Here are a few pictures from our day!!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Celebrations

Both boys definitely did a lot of celebrating for Halloween, including parties at school and at Annie's (Cohen's daycare.)  I will get pictures up of them in their costumes before trick or treating soon, but here is a picture Killian's teacher sent us of their class party!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Carving pumpkins

This year's pumpkin carving took special meaning, this year Killian planted a pumpkin seed in our backyard, watch the vine grow, picked the pumpkin with Chad and then carved it tonight.  It was a very large pumpkin and with some creative carving sits flat and looks like a giant pumpkin:)  Cohen was SUPER excited to carve the pumpkins and very patient during the set up and cleaning out the pumpkin "guts" but not so thrilled (like his momma) to stick his hand inside the pumpkin.
This year we made it an event once again by inviting our friends John and Heather over to have dinner and join in the festivities.  John brought a big supply of his scary masks and Cohen wasn't such a fan of the masks, but loved having new people to play with and the candy that Heather brought for him!
Here is the showcase of our work:

Spooky Lunch....

Today we were invited to a spooky lunch at Shepard Park by our friends the Stephens Family:)  Jessica went to high school with Chad and I and now we live in the same neighborhood as her family.  Her kids are the same age as ours, so it makes for fun get togethers and lots of cross over in our activities, you can find Jessica HERE.
I just had to share though the spooky snack that I took, a spider web dip (aka layered tacto dip.)  What did we do before Google????

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hauntcert 2011

Tonight both Normal Community High School and Normal West will present their annual Hauntcert.  Every year the high school orchestras put together a family friendly pops concert (with a theme) and promote it throughout the schools and community.  This year's theme is animals, so all the music is somehow linked to animals, for example "Baby Elephant Walk," or the "Chicken Dance."  Both schools start their concert at 7 p.m. in the auditorium, kids are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes and in turn can sign up to win prizes:)  Check out the flyer HERE!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

My Tiger Scout

Couldn't resist sharing this with all my blogger friends... how cute is my little boy scout????

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Family Gatherings

For those of you who don't know my mom is from a big family (I mean REALLY big!)  If all her siblings were alive she would have been one of 10, she is the youngest girl (at the spritely age of 68) and the second to youngest of them all.  Every year we have a casual get together at my Uncle Kenney's house, although we are all spread all over a good chunk still try to come to this little event.  We have even have a chili cookoff (with prize money) and a 50/50 raffle.....  The family that gambles together stays together right?  Anyway, here is a picture of just the people who came to the cookout.  Keep in mind I am the youngest of the first cousins, so everyone younger than me is a 2nd cousin.  Also our family is the smallest with only 3 children if that helps you figure out how large we are!!!


Tonight is my first official fundraiser for Evans Jr. High School Orchestras.  If you are in the Bloomington-Normal area click on this link, print the flyer and head on out to Monical's tonight for dinner.  Hey, if nothing else it is a good excuse to not cook right?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

New School; First Concert

Just an FYI (in case you care) my new school George L. Evans Jr. High School will have its first EVER concert on Tuesday night, October 11th, 2011 at 7 p.m. in the gym.  The concert will feature Evans 7th & 8th grade musicians (band, orchestra and choir.)  The grand finale will be the premiere of the school song (written by my colleague Josh Masterman, lyrics by none other than ME!)  There will be a light reception following the concert in the cafeteria.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New "toy"

So for those of you who didn't hear Chad and I had really had it with Sprint and made the jump to switch cell phone providers, for only a few more dollars a month we were able to COMPLETELY increase our package and going from dumb old phones to shiny new smart phones.  Well, only 2 weeks after getting our lovely new droids Chad decided to take a swim with his at Fairview Pool (nice huh?)  Thank God for insurance so for a deductible (totally not free) we were able to replace it (but still cheaper than buying a new phone.)  Anyway, Chad's new toy takes some GREAT pictures with fun views, exposures, etc.  Here is a cute one of the boys on the playground!

Monday, September 12, 2011

9/11 Memorial

I shared this with my students today in class, it is an audio recording of YoYo Ma playing the Bach Sarabande from the 1st suite.  The visual is of Obama at the memorial now set up at ground zero.  If you close your eyes and listen you can hear the water from the memorial.  I just found this very moving.
911 Memorial

Friday, September 9, 2011

My 1st Grader

Thought I better get this up for you all before he is in 2nd grade!  Here is our big kid, 1st grade.  The year is starting out great for him, he has Mrs. Williams as his teacher.  You can check out their class blog over here at We feel very lucky that Killian continues to REALLY enjoy school and looks forward to it every day.  So far the highlights have been an increased desire and skill set with reading and two perfect score spelling tests!

Monday, August 29, 2011

What a week....

Or two or three or month or two months.....  Sorry I have been a deadbeat blogger.  Life has been hard, very hard, frustrating, exhausting, overwhelming......I have not been myself, I am sorry that I haven't shared any antics lately.  Will you forgive me?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Backwards blog?

What do you think? Should I backwards blog??? This summer has been WAY stressful and WAY TO busy... I HOPE that the feeling of stress and exhaustion is over. So... here are couple pics of my little cuties after the Sugar Creek Arts Fest:)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Baseball Summer 2011

Well, if you follow the antics of our family on here or on Facebook you know that we have had some interesting expereiences with Killian and T-ball; so we were beginning to worry about this summer, as we moved on to coach pitch baseball.  Today was Killian's first "game" as a BlueJay and he did GREAT!!!!  We were so proud of him, he tried, he focused (well as much as a 6 year old can with so much going on) and he actually had fun!!!!  Here are some cute shots from the day:)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Too cold...

I really can't believe I am going to say this, but it is TOO COLD for a pool party tonight!!!  Very glad (don't tell my students) that it is cancelled, I would have been the orchestra teacher in a hoodie at the pool:)
Instead I am going to eat some delicous kabobs (garlic pepper skewered pork and veggies), watch the Tony's AND price stuff for my garage sale.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Hey Everyone, I know some of my blog readers (well the like 2 of you who actually read this) love giveaways as much as I do...... My friend Courtney over @ Kalicocrafts is having a giveaway.  Hurry on over there and leave her some feedback for a chance to win!!!!  Don't forget to tell her I sent you:)
If you want to check out some things she has done for me look here and stay tuned to see pictures of Cohen's super cute "Super 3" shirt he will be sporting for his birthday thanks ot Courtney!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011


I am slightly relieved and happy to say that Unit 5 has now hired my replacement for Parkside Jr. High Orchestras... they hired a former student, Jon Daly.  He is out of the country right now but as soon as he gets back I will be able to turn things over to him and focus on my NEW job at Evans Jr. High School.
I am also relieved and excited to find out that I have been named Music Building Chair for Evans Jr. High.  I will head the department there next year!  I am excited about that!!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Normal/Normal West 15 Year Reunion

Here is a link to the 2nd one.... Remember two events, two RSVP's, two payments!!!

Normal/Normal West 15 Year Reunion

Normal/Normal West Class of 1996 Reunion

In case you didn't get an evite yet, please check out the invite page for our upcoming reunion. We have two different events, you must RSVP and pay for both separately!!!
Normal/Normal West Class of 1996 Reunion

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dear Cinco de Mayo 2011

I do not like you, I should have stayed in bed... Go away now.  Please and Thank You!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Nice Quote

“What you will do matters. All you need to do is do it.”

― Judy Grahn

Monday, May 2, 2011


Thanks to all my friends and family who at Monical's for the PJHS Orchestra fundraiser last month.  Our orchestra program profited $121 off of that event!!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Killian & The Sonshiners!

This slideshow is from Killian's rehearsal and performance today at church... I hope to have a video of it up later!!!!

Grandparents Day

I of course am a little very behind on blogging.  Here a couple pictures from Grandparents Day at Killian's School, Grove Elementary.  Killian has had a great year so far and is beginning to count down days until the end of the year with the alphabet, I can't believe that my little man is almost in first grade.  Tomorrow for "C" day they will "Check out first grade"  this year has gone SO fast!!!!  Chad and I feel very fortunate that we live near our families and both of our mom's aka NyNy and MawMaw were able to attend grandparents day with Killian.

NyNy & Killian
Killian & MawMaw

Friday, April 29, 2011


No this is not another post about a certain crazy person who proclaims he is "winning" all the time.... Instead I heard something today that just struck me.  Most of the time I drive around with either the radio off or low, but occasionally I will listen to music or podcasts (that Chad listened to and got me addicted to and now doesn't even listen to) like "The Parent Experiment" with Lynette Carolla (Adam Carolla's wife.)  Today I was catching up on old one's and heard this episode with poker player Annie Duke.  The thing that struck me was something I really needed today (it has been a rough work week) she says "Sometimes it is not about winning, if everyone wanted to win all the time people wouldn't be teachers and work so hard for crap pay."  Boy did she hit that nail on the head....  Anyway, it wasn't really about teaching, it was about parenting and teaching our children about decision making.  She was Celebrity Apprentice and was talking about choosing to recommend Melissa Rivers to be fired instead of Brandy who was a much stronger competitor.  Her point was that her quality of life was better with Brandy on her team then it was with Melissa, even though it would have been MUCH easier for her to "beat" Melissa to "win."  Sometimes we make choices because they are important to us personally and make our life better, not because they make us rich or are better for other people.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New Job...

Now that all of my students and co-workers know the news I guess it is fair to share it with the rest of the world. Next year I will be an Evans Eagle.  I will be teaching orchestra at Unit 5's newest school, George L. Evans Jr. High School.  You can check out the link to see the construction photos or click here to see a slide show of the orchestra "space" that I saw on the community tour in March.  The facility is AMAZING, I am sure I will post more pictures when I "move in" but you will get the idea.  My schedule will still be the same (as far as I know) with elementary schools in the morning and then all afternoon at the junior high school teaching 6-8th grade orchestra.  It is going to be a challenge, but I think it might be the push I need to get refreshed and re-motivated.... More info to come, but it seems like the staff is fun and innovative and I will already know some of the students since they are my current students this year.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Have you missed me? I am completely and totally exhuasted... Mentally and physically, I haven't been sleeping well, feeling well or functioning well (just ask Chad, he will atest to it.) I need a break, I need to be locked in a room given something to make me NOT think, a cozy blanket and need to sleep. I am sorry I have been absent. Lots has happened, I am so behind on here I still haven't posted from my trip to Oklahoma!!!
So, sorry.... I will try to catch you up on things soon, promise!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Flaunt It...

I just posted... did you?

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

FREE... Yep... FREE

Free 8x10 Canvas from the Canvas People, Check it out HERE!  I will show you mine as soon as it arrives.... All you have to pay is shipping and handling:)

Monday, April 4, 2011

A lil' bit of Easter

I have recently found some great new blogs, including eighteen25 which had a free download for Easter art last week, that paired with a dollar store picture frame, a little paint (leftover from something else,) a glass container (that had been hiding out under my sink,) and plastic eggs from last year and TADA:

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating


Cute Giveway

Check out this super cute giveway over at She's {kinda} Crafty wouldn't these be great to add to giveaways in my classroom or for my own kiddos!!!!
I still have to post some of my little Easter creations... boy if I only had more time I could really get into this decorating stuff:)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Tupperware Party!

My niece Amber Tuttle is a Tupperware Consultant, I am teaming up with her to have a Tupperware Book Party! Click on the link to see the products they offer (I highly recommend their pantry items too, they are delicious!!!) If you have any questions feel free to email or call me... Don't forget these could make great Mother's Day presents too!!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

YEAH... I'm Winning:)

And no.. this is NOT a referral to some dorkus celebrity (although Chad has been extra fun going around "winning... I'm winning..."
I am SO excited that I won a prize on my friend Annalea's blog!!!! 

She was throwing herself a little blog birthday party (doesn't this totally sound like something I would do?) and giving away presents.  I was lucky enough to win one of her hand made crafts.  Check out her blog, she is super fun and crafty, and a great momma... I know there is something on there you will love.  And... if you are jealous of my prize you can buy yourself one for your next birthday on her Etsy shop!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Easter Time

I put out my first Easter decorations today.. woohoo... I am excited to read on all my blogs on how they celebrate and the crafts they make for their homes and for gifts!  One great blog, Kiki Creates is really partying it up for Easter, check her out!

blog button final

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Reverberation Vinyl

As I type this my dear friends John and Heather are on the verge of opening a new business here in Bloomington.  Heather has been one of my most dear friends ever since junior high (proof positive of the "selling speech" I give my students on how the friends they meet in orchestra are the friends they will have for life!)  I guess you can say John just inherited me or I him, either way Heather has been in my life for *cough* at least 20 years... YIKES!  We have literally been through so much together it is crazy... I know everyone has friends like this, but I feel very fortunate to have a friend that has been so loyal for so long....  I am writing this blog post to feature John, who is braver than most people I know.  When his former employer decided to restructure their programs and employees John took a giant leap of faith a decided to be a house husband and figure out his business plan.  John has been "collecting" albums for years and really is quite the music connoisseur... he has now taken this hobby and made it into a business.  He started out online (which he will continue) but after building a little nest egg and having some connections on a location he is opening a real life store front in Bloomington.  Here is the logo for Reverberation Vinyl
So now here is my plea... go for a visit, if you are local, please stop in, John plans to be open TOMORROW, and will be open Monday-Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.  The address is 1302 N. Main Bloomington, it is near IWU and Mugsy's if you are a landmark kind of person.  They are planning a big "party" for a grand opening a little later but would love some foot traffic to get things rolling.  The link above is to their facebook page and you can also follow them on Twitter.  If you have collections to sell John might be interested in those too.... Stop in, check it out and spread the word. 
And John if you are reading this, Congrats Man!!!  I can't wait to come see your finished place!!! ~Luv ya

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Playroom Complete....

Very excited to say that now the playroom is COMPLETE!  The toys have relocated to the basement and the momma is already feelin' at ease with the amount of space in the front room.  It is a cozy, crazy boy space downstairs and I am VERY happy with it!!!  Thanks to everyone who helped out, especially my brother, Larry.  I definitely owe him dinner for building a wall, hanging a light fixture and adding trim to the basement.

A baby gate and a curtain (thanks Amber) block off the "not used" side of the basement.

See even the grill is happy to be in the basement!

Reusing old furniture YEAH!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Break....

We are VERY glad to be on spring break, this mama definitely needed a mental break and the daddy in this family needed to spend some quality family time.... Pics from our visit with the Kalley family coming soon!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Show n Tell

There are definitely some perks to having family members in all different occupations!  All year Killian has wanted to take his cousin Dece to school for show n tell.  In the fall we just couldn't make it work with Dece's schedule and Killian was so sad; he took a potato head Dece instead. (It was very cute, I might have even blogged about it, I will have to look for that picture.)  But today was FINALLY the day, he has been SO excited that he was even singing about it last night! 
Here are some pictures from his day.  Thanks Mrs. Kauten for sharing:)


Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Pi Day

To all my geeky friends Happy Pi Day! Hope to find some pie to celebrate with tonight!!!

New School

Here is a slide show of pictures from the community tour at Evans Jr. High School, the newest school in Unit 5.  It is located on Rt. 150 and will have house students in grades 6-8; the entire facility is gorgeous!!!