Thursday, July 30, 2009

McLean County Fair

For Chad and I the McLean County Fair is a tradition. It is the technical beginning of our relationship, interesting, I know. Anyway, even though the fair grounds have moved since our first date in 1995; it is the thought that counts right?
Since we have had children we are trying to take them as well. The most interesting thing about this is how different Chad and I were growing up. I was a total 4-H girl, projects, day/night at the fair, a little country. He on the other hand is a city boy! It will be interesting to see if I can convince him that there is more to 4-H than sheep and pigs:) So that he will let the boys participate. I think a lot of my leadership skills and knowledge of running meetings came out of my 4-H experience and some of my best friends growing up (some of whom I still talk to) were in 4-H with me.
So... we did go to the fair yesterday, completely different experience as an adult with kids (when you have to foot the bill yourself,) versus when you are a carefree teenager, but the lemonade shake-ups still taste the same and the barns still have the same smell.
Killian's take on it was that although he couldn't see our house from the top of the Ferris wheel he could see Africa. Interesting, very interesting.

Wee Ball

Killian will not soon be in the major leagues but Wee Ball (through Normal Parks & Rec) was a good experience for him this summer. He is very entertaining despite his lack of focus on baseball at the moment.


Facebook never ceases to amaze me. My cousin Jill is on it more than me, (I think,) if you can believe that. Anyway, long story short, she posted a note tonight about our family reunion with a picture attached. Very cool, I do not have a picture of my great grandparents, but here you go. My grandpa Satterfeal (my mom's dad) is Leo.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Mancation 2009

So a few years ago us ladies thought it would be a good idea to book a vacation for all the guys and give it to them as a surprise Father's Day gift. Well, it is now tradition, so currently they are all gone on Mancation 2009.
This year they are spicing it up a little with come adventure.
Although we miss them it is nice that they are all still so close and have this time. The best part for me now is listening to Killian tell people where Daddy is and explain that when he is bigger he will be a man and get to go too!

Pictures from DO Conference

Here are a few good pics; I have some on my facebook photo page also!

Getting to see old friends is one of the best parts. The pics with the collegiates are them holding up their stacks of awards:)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Killian the trend setter?

So this morning I left the boys with Nyny and went to my eye dr. appointment. When I came home Killian was in different clothes (because the others I picked didn't fit, go figure.) This is what I came home to, note the fact that he is wearing his 1 year old brother's shirt!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Delta Omicron Triennial Conference

For those of you who do not know Delta Omicron is 100 years old this year! I am currently in Cincinnati (well, kind of Cincinnati, actually Erlanger, KY,) serving as Conference Co-Chair (again, only minus Molly, sad face.) I am also here as I continue to serve as Delta Province President.
I am hoping to get some pictures I can post from my trip, although I haven't actually got out of the hotel much and probably won't. I did ride along to downtown Cincinnati this afternoon and got to do the drive by of the Bengals/Reds Stadiums as well as a bit of the hood and the University of Cincinnait/CCM campus. I was hoping to see the "birthplace" of DO, but no luck the original building/plaque is not there anymore, but still it is a really beautiful campus, I only wish I had more time to take a tour or something.
Most of my pre-conference work is done and I am enjoying time in a private room, as well as finishing up "Stori Telling" by Tori Spelling, great summer read if you like her! Now I just have to wait for Mommywood in paperback or hit the library to read the follow up!
Hoping to post pics soon, missing my boys. ~KMB

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Trip to the ER

Well, many of you have already heard about this by now, but we made 1 and 1/2 trips to the ER this week. It started on Tuesday I think, with Killian face-planting into the sofa, causing his nose to puff up immediately and his eyes to turn black. We went to prompt care, they didn't take our insurance, great, back in the car. Killian's solution was "Just call Dr. Weaver, he will come over." After talking to Dr. Toohill who was on call, we decided to go home. Luckily the next day everything was pretty much back to normal. So that was the 1/2 trip.
Cohen was not so lucky... His trip was for real. On Thursday night after bath Chad was getting him ready for bed and he decided to take a dive off the bed, needless to say that didn't go so well and he hit his head on the nightstand. It was pretty ugly, a gash on the front with a bump/bruise and a big bump on the back. Not pretty, see pic... Again though we were lucky, no stitches or glue, just a million bandaids and instructions to wake him during the night. He is already looking much better. Poor boys... YIKES! Wish Chad luck as I leave him alone with the Dukes of Hazard for a week!

Cute Killian Quote of the Week

"Mom, Monsters have feelings."