Thursday, May 7, 2009


What a great day... here is the breakdown, Chad is the only one who is hanging in there.

After being home with Cohen yesterday I went back to work today and Chad stayed home, I think God is sending me a sign that I should have stayed in bed. First I broke my flip flops (resulting in new shoes, which I guess isn't all that bad,) then I stopped at home to check on Cohen and broke the zipper on my pants, thank god I was at home and could change clothes!!!

Killian and Blake had a battle today and K got hit in the eye, then they had another encounter at lunch where as Killian said "Blake stabbed him...."

Cohen had a fever near 102 (not good,) which landed him a visit with good ole Dr. Weaver; result being Tonsillitis, AWESOME!
Here is some info and a really nice picture. Luckily this weekend isn't too busy so the little man can get better.

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