Sunday, November 28, 2010

Boo sickness....

Well, you may have noticed a short absence... things have been beyond hectic here.  First there was work drama, not going to share, just going to say if you are not in "the business" for the kids, then get the H out!!!  Then there was a visit to prompt care with both boys, Killian had sinus infection and bronchitis, Cohen had an ear infection and pneumonia... that was fun.  After that we return home to really hot water, which ended up being a flooded basement and broken hot water heater, oh yeah that day was great!!!
Just when we thought things were looking up we sent Killian to school for his "feast" which is all he has talked about literally for two weeks and how he gets to be a "Canadian-American" so he goes to school only to have Mrs. Marcum (the school nurse) call me and ask me to talk to him about his tummy issues.  He then begs me to not pick him up right away because the feast was about to begin, I have never felt so heartbroken for him... it was SO SAD.  But, I bundled Cohen (still home sick) up and go retrieve Killian. He had picked up the noravirus that has been going around Unit 5.  That was wonderful with projectile vomiting and diarrhea, within 12 hours I had it and then 24 hours after that Cohen had it.  We were healthy enough to go have Thanksgiving at my parents house and a shopping marathon, but then on Friday morning Cohen was complaining about his ear again and the pain was so bad he vomited from back to the Dr. we went.  Then to top the week off Chad finally caught the noravirus by Saturday.  So in case you missed all of that we were all sick (it sucked and I missed 3 days of work.)  I hate to jinx it but we all seem healthy (except colds) today.

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